Pay with PayPal, PayPal Credit or any major credit card

We are a volunteer-run organization and we appreciate your generous donation to improving transit in Greater Boston!

Donations of all amounts are welcomed. The base membership rate is $40 ($20 for students).

TransitMatters is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are 100% tax deductible, excepting any limitations on deductibility for a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this donation.


Click the yellow “Check out with PayPal” button above to make a one-time or set up a recurring donation with MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, or with your PayPal account.

Employer Matching

Does your employer match donations or participate in giving programs? TransitMatters is registered and certified on numerous employer giving platforms including Benevity, which is used by countless major companies such as Google and Microsoft. You can dramatically amplify your impact by making a donation to us through your employer’s platform!

If you’re having difficulty matching with your employer, email us at


TransitMatters is able to accept stock donations through our fiscal sponsor, the Conservation Law Foundation (CLF). We are happy to offer this tax-saving option to our donors.

If you wish to donate stock, please email for addt'l contact details.


Due to remote work, if you send us a check, please email to let us know so we can process it ASAP.

Checks may be mailed to:
Jarred Johnson, TransitMatters
62 Summer St
Boston, MA 02110


To register as a member, simply click on the button above and donate at least $40. Students, please donate $20 and send your college credentials to You can also break up your membership into monthly recurring donations.

As a member, you get a first-look at new projects, special access to events, and a Member-Only Newsletter with handpicked transit articles, podcasts, and videos. We appreciate your generous support!